Available tasks in nmFLO include:
- Delete mailing list and distribution
- Send Queued SMS
- Survey process (General sms)
- Survey process (General smsqs)
- Survey process (On prem)
- Survey process (On cloud)
- Survey process (Real time)
The system has a capability to configure Message Templates (in English and Arabic) to support each survey.
Tasks can be run manually or scheduled on an hourly, daily and monthly basis.
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The log button allows you to view the files associated with it after the task is completed.
The dashboard represents all customer activities. It will allow you to visually track and display key information.
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With dashboards you can view:
- Survey workflow
- The total number of Customer records received, which are downloaded through SFTP file or API services.
- Valid Records (records received, process executed when the task ran)
- No. of SMS successfully sent to the customers on validated records.
- Subscription status
- Subscription Expiry date
- Remaining Days of subscription
- Percentage of subscription that has been used (shown in utilized column).
- Task Activities
- System Utilization (total execution time and system utilized during the customer tasks that have been run.)
- Job Activity
- Task Duration
- Schedule jobs status and detail
- Scheduled jobs status
- Name of the customer for a specific job.
- Last Run Date and time
- Next run Date and time.
- You can also see the logs details of the specific Job click.
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You can edit, delete or manually run a job.
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Report & Logs
All job Logs are listed under the log details tab of the dashboard. Middleware maintains step-by-step logging within the database. The system implements a System Logging Protocol, through which system logs or event messages can be sent to a syslog server. Verbosity level for logging is also configurable whereas detail or high-level logging can be enabled as per necessity. INFO and DEBUG are the verbosity levels used to understand the flow of the system or of the operation.
You can search your logs by date, customer, task, level and key words.
You are able to view log details and type during the job run (ERROR, DEBUG, WARN, INFO).
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Execution Logs
A detailed report regarding the Job logs can be found under the Execution report tab. This displays Job Details, Record Details and Error Detail, Survey Workflow Summary and Survey Workflow Details.
Logs can be exported in PDF and Excel format.
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